SEN Information Report
Welcome to our SEND Information Report
These pages set out information about our provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). They are updated annually.
At Birch Hill Primary School we welcome every child into our community and work together with the family to provide a happy, caring, secure and stimulating learning environment. We are committed to giving all our pupils every opportunity to achieve the highest standards.
We actively encourage parents and children to visit the school before starting and this can be arranged by phoning the school office and making an appointment via the School Secretary. If children join the school in-year, we always liaise with the former school. We try to make sure that we have full information on the pupil concerning any special educational needs. If a pupil leaves Birch Hill in-year, we always liaise with the new school. We take care to prepare all our pupils for transition to secondary school by liaising with the secondary school and sharing information, especially about the special educational needs that a pupil may have. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Helen McAllister and she can be contacted through the school office via email Our governor with responsibility for SEND is Stephen Weeks who can be contacted via the school office.
Our SEND Policy & Information Report, Equality Plan, Medical Policy and Accessibility Plan can be found on the school policy page here. Please see below our SEND Profile.
For information on our SEND Local Offer
What can Birch Hill Primary School and Nursery offer?
Birch Hill is a mainstream school that provides for pupils with a wide range of special needs, including difficulties with:
- Cognition & Learning Needs: Literacy and Mathematics
- Communication, speech, language and social communication
- Emotional, Social or Mental Health needs
- Sensory and/or physical needs
All pupils at Birch Hill can access Quality First Teaching, with appropriate planning and differentiation according to need.
All classes offer a supportive learning environment with materials, learning equipment, visual aids, working walls to help pupils remember key vocabulary, working methods, ideas, themes and to support all learning.
At Birch Hill we use a whole school BLP programme (Building Learning Power) to encourage a positive approach to learning: “learning how to learn” by developing resilience and understanding that we all learn from making mistakes.
There are clear, consistent expectations for behaviour, with rewards and sanctions clearly understood in each Key Stage.
We are an inclusive school and offer support for pupils with a range of educational needs.
SEND Statement
At Birch Hill we are committed to working together with all members of our school community. We believe in participation for all and strive to create an inclusive culture which recognises and celebrates the diversity of children’s backgrounds, interests, experiences, knowledge, and skills. We are committed to giving all our pupils every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. We value high-quality teaching for all learners and actively monitor the teaching and learning in our school.
Birch Hill offers a broad, balanced, relevant curriculum, and we have high expectations. We aim to create a learning environment that is flexible enough to meet the needs of all our pupils. We monitor and assess the outcomes and progress of all learners, ensuring that learning is taking place.