Emotional, Social or Mental Health Care needs
This can include significant difficulties which may be either short term, or long term. Difficulties that are short term can include periods of high anxiety, stress, distress or anger that affect education.
It also includes children who have a range of longer term recognised health conditions that impact on daily life and learning.
For both groups issues can include difficulties with:
- Forming and maintaining relationships
- Bereavement
- Attitude to learning and attainment
- Attendance
- Self esteem
- Home life/life outside school
What can Birch Hill offer?
- Whole school behaviour policy that supports a consistency model based on rewards and sanctions
- A holistic approach that supports both the child and family
- An experienced family Support Officer will support attendance
- A Family Support Advisor (FSA) and SENCo who will provide access to a range of agencies for the child and family through the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) referral process, including : Family Intervention Team (FIT), Social Care, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), Behaviour Support Team (BST) School Nurse, links to range of therapies
- Experienced staff who can work with outside agencies to support pupils and family
- Experienced staff who can run social skills groups, nurture self - esteem, support anger management strategies
Targeted support may include:
- Social skills/Circle of friends intervention groups
- Meet and Greet
- Breakfast club to ensure a settled start to the day
- Self esteem – Read 2 Dogs
- 1:1 mentoring
- In class support for children at risk of exclusion
- Individual Support Plans to manage behaviours
- Use of visuals, social stories
- Peer mentoring: Buddies
- Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA trained staff)
- Play Therapy