We get involved in various charity events over the year, this includes; Children in Need and Red Nose Day, fund raising for our link school in Freeetown on Sierra Leone. During the Harvest assembly we collect donations for the food bank at the Kerith Church.
Over the last 4 years, we have also run more targeted charity events for children in school. The events run by Year 6 (with some input from the school council) and will be in the format of The Apprentice. Children work in groups to devise a charity event and pitch these to the Year 6 teachers and Senior Leadership Team. Of the 10 events that are ‘pitched’ we will run approximately six of them.
- Molly's Charity
Molly was diagnosed with bone cancer and had a number of treatments while at Birch Hill. During a month-long charity event, the children ran events from ‘Crazy Hair' day, recorded their own song and held a Talent Show. We raised £1500 for John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford.
- James' Giant Journey
James was a parent of two children at Birch Hill and was diagnosed with Septicaemia. Similar to Molly’s Charity event, the Year 6 devised a range of events including 'Dress your Legs', a cake sale and the ever popular Talent Show.
- Sian’s Charity
Sian was a pupil at Birch Hill and diagnosed with chronic kidney failure. The children raised over £1200 for Southampton Children’s Hospital by running events that included face painting day, water hydration stations and a talent show.