Year 6 Charity

Year 6 are very excited to announce the start of their charity topic. Over the course of this week, they have prepared presentations on a charity they would like to raise money for. They included Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Foundation, Gibson's Go Getters, Parkinson's UK and Thames Valley Hospice. It was a tough decision to make, but we are pleased to announce the charity we will be raising money for this year is Gibson's Go Getters: a charity that raises money towards funding research into the cause of SUDC, The charity has a lot of importance to Year 6 and is run by a parent from the school. Over the coming weeks, we will be announcing many events in support of this cause so stay tuned for updates. We also held a mini competition to create a charity logo. The winner of this was Dylan Flynn with his vibrant and thoughtful design, which incorporated aspects of Birch Hill with aspects of the charity.