Sapphire Class

Sapphire Class
We have been working on ways to help ourselves to regulate and to manage any distractions to ensure that we are focused and ready to learn. The children were fantastic at working together to set up their own Sensory Circuit to complete in PE, and have enjoyed Playdoh Discos and large-scale outdoor mark-making aimed at refining their motor skills. We have explored the art style of Paul Klee and produced some wonderful interpretations of his work, sketching first and then using crayons to add colour. We have also begun our learning about somebody very special… our Queen! We have learned and written some interesting facts about her, and could not believe how she is lucky enough to have two birthdays, or that she doesn’t always wear her crown. On top of all this, our teachers are very impressed with how well we have been communicating with each other, demonstrating good manners and taking time to ask each other questions and managing new experiences so positively and successfully. Well Done Sapphire Class!