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  • Birch Hill Primary School Becoming an Academy and joining Maiden Erlegh Trust

    Published 11/04/23

    Birch Hill Primary School is proposing to become an academy and join Maiden Erlegh Trust.  

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  • Science Week - 2023

    Published 22/03/23

    This week, Birch Hill celebrated British Science Week with a special assembly on Tuesday morning with Miss Garnham and then spent Tuesday completing lots of exciting and practical Science activities. The theme of this year’s Science Week was ‘Connections’ and children explored links within the animal kingdom, the environment and the senses. Enjoy the pictures and reports below from each year group.

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  • Year 6 Residential

    Published 15/03/23

    Another day done and so much more achieved… 

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  • Football Cup Match

    Published 01/12/22

    Birch Hill Primary v Harmans Water Primary

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  • Christmas Bazaar 2022

    Published 01/12/22
    On Friday 25th November, Year 5 and 6 spent the afternoon running the Christmas Bazaar.  The children designed and built their games over the last few weeks and today hosted their games to the rest of the school.   Everyone had a
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  • Year 6 Shakespeare Performances

    Published 21/11/22

    On Wednesday 9th November, Year 6 performed not one, but TWO magnificent Shakespeare plays at South Hill Park theatre.

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  • Y6 News

    Published 07/11/22

    Year 6 have had a great start to the new school year. We have been learning about debates, place value, the four operations, electricity and William Shakespeare. We have been working very hard rehearsing ‘Macbeth’ and ‘Twelfth Night’ in preparation for our performance at South Hill Park in November. Last Friday, we had a visit from an actor/director. Nick came into school to run a workshop with both casts. We are very excited to get on the stage and perform!

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  • Y1 News

    Published 07/11/22

    This half term Year 1 will be learning about celebrations and writing poetry in English. We enjoyed some hot chocolate and sparkly fun this week to start our topic. We had lots of fun! Best day ever!


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  • Prospective Parent Tours for September 2023

    Published 12/07/22

    Prospective parent tours will be held every Tuesday and Wednesday this term from 27th September 2022. They are at 9.15am and usually last approximately 45 minutes. Please call the school office on 01344 455815 or email to book.

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  • Young Voices 2022

    Published 15/06/22
    On Tuesday 24th May, the school choir took part in the Young Voices event at the O2 Arena, London. Young Voices, is a national event comprising of a series of concerts that take place across the country with nearly 200 schools and over 8,000 child
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  • Year 6 Charity

    Published 22/05/22

     Year 6 are very excited to announce the start of their charity topic. Over the course of this week, they have prepared presentations on a charity they would like to raise money for. They included Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Foundation, Gibson's Go Getters, Parkinson's UK and Thames Valley Hospice. It was a tough decision to make, but we are pleased to announce the charity we will be raising money for this year is Gibson's Go Getters: a charity that raises money towards funding research into the cause of SUDC, The charity has a lot of importance to Year 6 and is run by a parent from the school. Over the coming weeks, we will be announcing many events in support of this cause so stay tuned for updates. We also held a mini competition to create a charity logo. The winner of this was Dylan Flynn with his vibrant and thoughtful design, which incorporated aspects of Birch Hill with aspects of the charity.

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  • Special Event—The Queen’s Green Canopy

    Published 19/05/22
    In recognition of Emily’s hard work during the Edible Garden Community Dig, held before Christmas, she and Miss Garnham took part in The Queen’s Green Canopy, the commemorative planting of seventy young oak trees in Windsor Great Park in
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